Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I was sitting in Uptown one day and I saw a Hipster. In case you were wondering, I hate hipsters, so I came up with this.

The Hipster Intervention Program.

H.I.P. is a constructive, innovative new way to help clean up our city streets by removing one of the biggest blights on our society, the Hipster. What follows is a simple twelve step process to help any Hipster move past what they will soon look at as a shameful phase in their life.

1. Realize that you are, in fact, a Hipster.

2. Become not OK with that fact.

3. Slap yourself.

4. Repeat step three

5. Lose the skinny jeans.

6. Get a haircut and shave your face.

7. Start listening to something other than Public Radio.

8. Repeat step four.

9. Go to the bar/liquor store and do not order a PBR.

10. Get over yourself.

11. Repeat step eight.

12. Help others like yourself.

Thank you for learning about H.I.P. Hopefully this information will be able to help you help your Hipster friends. If you would like more information or help identifying and stopping the Hipsters in your life, please contact us.